The 10 commandments of good source control management

Ah source control, if there’s a more essential tool which indiscriminately spans programming languages without favour, I’m yet to see it. It’s an essential component of how so many of us work; the lifeblood of many development teams, if you like. So why do we often get it so wrong? Why are some of the really core, fundamentals of version control systems often so poorly understood?

I boil it down to 10 practices – or “commandments” if you like – which often break down or are not properly understand to begin with. These are all relevant to version control products of all types and programming languages of all flavours. I’ll pick some examples from Subversion and .NET but they’re broadly applicable to other technologies.

1. Stop right now if you’re using VSS – just stop it!

It’s dead. Let it go. No really, it’s been on life support for years, taking its dying gasps as younger and fitter VCS tools have rocketed past it. And now it’s really seriously about to die as Microsoft finally pulls the plug next year (after several stays of execution).

In all fairness, VSS was a great tool. In 1995. It just simply got eclipsed by tools like Subversion then the distributed guys like Git and Mercurial. Microsoft has clearly signalled its intent to supersede it for many years now – the whole TFS thing wasn’t exactly an accident!

The point is that VSS is very broadly, extensively, almost unanimously despised due to a series of major shortcomings by today’s standards. Colloquially known as Microsoft’s source destruction system, somehow it manages to just keep clinging on to life despite extensively documented glitches, shortcomings and essential functionality (by today’s standards), which simply just doesn’t exist.

Visual Source Safe 2005 boxVSS = a great big steaming pile of shit - JUST SAY NO!

2. If it’s not in source control, it doesn’t exist

Repeat this mantra daily – “The only measure of progress is working code in source control”. Until your work makes an appearance in the one true source of code truth – the source control repository for the project – it simply doesn’t exist.

Sure, you’ve got it secreted away somewhere on your local machine but that’s not really doing anyone else any good now, is it? They can’t take your version, they can’t merge theirs, you can’t deploy it (unless you’re deploying it wrong) and you’re one SSD failure away from losing it all permanently.

Once you take the mindset of it not existing until it’s committed, a whole bunch of other good practices start to fall into place. You break tasks into smaller units so you can commit atomically. You integrate more frequently. You insure yourself against those pesky local hardware failures.

But more importantly (at least for your team lead), you show that you’re actually producing something. Declining burn down charts or ticked off tasks lists are great, but what do they actually reconcile with? Unless they correlate with working code in source control, they mean zip.

3. Commit early, commit often and don’t spare the horses

Further to the previous point, the only way to avoid “ghost code” – that which only you can see on your local machine – is to get it into VCS early and often and don’t spare the horses. Addressing the issues from the previous point is one thing the early and often approach achieves, but here’ a few others which can make a significant difference to the way you work:

  1. Every committed revision gives you a rollback position. If you screw up fundamentally (don’t lie, we all do!), are you rolling back one hour of changes or one week?
  2. The risk of a merge nightmare increases dramatically with time. Merging is never fun. Ever. When you’ve not committed code for days and you suddenly realise you’ve got 50 conflicts with other people’s changes, you’re not going to be a happy camper.
  3. It forces you to isolate features into discrete units of work. Let’s say you’ve got  a 3 man day feature to build. Oftentimes people won’t commit until the end of that period because they’re trying to build the whole box and dice into one logical unit. Of course a task as large as this is inevitably comprised of smaller, discrete functions and committing frequently forces you to identify each of these, build them one by one and commit them to VCS.

When you work this way, your commit history inevitably starts to resemble a semi-regular pattern of multiple commits each work day. Of course it’s not always going to be a consistent pattern, there are times we stop and refactor or go through testing phases or any other manner of perfectly legitimate activities which interrupt the normal development cycle.

However, when I see an individual – and particularly an entire project – where I know we should be in a normal development cycle and there are entire days or even multiple days where nothing is happening, I get very worried. I’m worried because as per the previous point, no measurable work has been done but I’m also worried because it usually means something is wrong. Often development is happening in a very “boil the ocean” sort of way (i.e. trying to do everything at once) or absolutely nothing of value is happening at all because people are stuck on a problem. Either way, something is wrong and source control is waving a big red flag to let you know.

4. Always inspect your changes before committing

Committing code into source control is easy – too easy! (Makes you wonder why the previous point seems to be so hard.) Anyway, what you end up with is changes and files being committed with reckless abandon. “There’s a change somewhere beneath my project root – quick – get it committed!”

What happens is one (or both) of two things: Firstly, people inadvertently end up with a whole bunch of junk files in the repository. Someone sees a window like the one below, clicks “Select all” and bingo – the repository gets polluted with things like debug folders and other junk that shouldn’t be in there.

A commit window showing a lot of files that shouldn't be in source control

Or secondly, people commit files without checking what they’ve actually changed. This is real easy to do once you get things like configuration or project definition files where there are a lot going on at once. It makes it really easy to inadvertently put things into the repository that simply weren’t intended to be committed and then of course they’re quite possibly taken down by other developers. Can you really remember everything you changed in that config file?

A commit window showing a web.config file with unkown changes

The solution is simple: you must inspect each change immediately before committing. This is easier than it sounds, honest. The whole “inadvertently committed file” thing can be largely mitigated by using the “ignore” feature many systems implement. You never want to commit the Thumbs.db file so just ignore it and be done with it. You also may not want to commit every file that has changed in each revision – so don’t!

As for changes within files, you’ve usually got a pretty nifty diff function in there somewhere. Why am I committing that Web.config file again?

A diff window showing inadvertant changes in the web.config file

Ah, I remember now, I wanted to decrease the maximum invalid password attempts from 5 down to 3. Oh, and I played around with a dummy login page which I definitely don’t want to put into the repository. This practice of pre-commit inspection also makes it much easier when you come to the next section…

5. Remember the axe-murderer when writing commit messages

There’s an old adage (source unknown), along the lines of “Write every commit message like the next person who reads it is an axe-wielding maniac who knows where you live”. If I was that maniac and I’m delving through reams of your code trying to track down a bug and all I can understand from your commit message is “updated some codes”, look out, I’m coming after you!

The whole idea of commit messages is to explain why you committed the code. Every time you make any change to code, you’re doing it for a reason. Maybe something was broken. Maybe the customer didn’t like the colour scheme. Maybe you’re just tweaking the build configuration. Whatever it is, there’s a reason for it and you need to leave this behind you.

Why? Well there are a few different reasons and they differ depending on the context. For example, using a “blame” feature or other similar functionality which exposes who changed what and hopefully, why. I can’t remember what I was doing in the Web.config of this project 18 months ago or why I was mucking around with app settings, but because I left a decent commit message, it all becomes very simple:

A blame log with a descriptive log message

It’s a similar thing for looking at changes over time. Whether I want to see the entire history of a file, like below, or I just want to see what the team accomplished yesterday, having a descriptive paper trail of comments means it doesn’t take much more than a casual glance to get an idea of what’s going on.

A series of well formed commit messages

And finally, commit messages are absolutely invaluable when it comes to tracking down errors. For example, getting to the bottom of why the build is breaking in your continuous integration environment. Obviously my example is overtly obvious, but the point is that bringing this information to the surface can turn tricky problems into absolute no-brainers.

A descriptive commit message on a failing TeamCity build

With this in mind, here are some anti-patterns of good commit messages:

  1. Some shit.
  2. It works!
  3. fix some fucking errors
  4. fix
  5. Fixed a little bug…
  6. Updated
  7. typo
  8. Revision 1024!!

Ok, I picked these all out of the Stack Overflow question about What is the WORST commit message you have ever authored but the thing is that none of them are that dissimilar to many of the messages I’ve seen in the past. They tell you absolutely nothing about what has actually happened in the code; they’re junk messages.

One last thing about commit messages; subsequent commit messages from the same author should never be identical. The reason is simple: you’re only committing to source control because something has changed since the previous version. Your code is now in a different state to that previous version and if your commit message is accurate and complete, it logically cannot be identical. Besides, if it was identical (perhaps there’s a legitimate edge-case there somewhere), the log is now a bit of a mess to read as there’s no way to discern the difference between the two commits.

6. You must commit your own changes – you can’t delegate it

As weird as this sounds, it happens and I’ve seen it more than once, most recently just last week. What’s happening here is that the source control repository is being placed on a pedestal. For various reasons, the team is viewing it as this sanitised, pristine environment of perfect code. In order to maintain this holy state, code is only committed by a lead developer who carefully aggregates, reviews and (assumedly) tweaks and improves the code before it’s committed.

It’s pretty easy to observe this pattern from a distance. Very infrequent commits (perhaps weekly), only a single author out of a team with multiple developers and inevitably, conflict chaos if anyone else has gone near the project during that lengthy no-commit period. Very, very nasty stuff.

There are two major things wrong here: Firstly, source control in not meant to be this virginal, unmolested stash of pristine code; at least not throughout development cycles. It’s meant to be a place where the team integrates frequently, rolls back when things go wrong and generally comes together around a single common base. It doesn’t have to be perfect throughout this process, it only has to (try to) achieve that state at release points in the application lifecycle.

The other problem – and this is the one that really blow me away – is that from the developer’s perspective, this model means you have no source control! It means no integration with code from peers, no rollback, no blame log, no nothing! You’re just sitting there in your little silo writing code and waiting to hand it off to the boss at some arbitrary point in the future.

Don’t do this. Ever.

7. Versioning your database isn’t optional

This is one of those ones that everyone knows they should be doing but very often they just file it away in the “too hard” basket. The problem you’ve got is that many (most?) applications simply won’t run without their database. If you’re not versioning the database, what you end up with is an incomplete picture of the application which in practice is rendered entirely useless.

Most VCS systems work by simply versioning files on the file system. That’s just fine for your typical app files like HTML page, images, CSS, project configuration files and anything else that sits on the file system in nice discrete little units. Problem is that’s not quite the way relational databases work. Instead, you end up with these big old data and log files which encompass a whole bunch of different objects and data. This is pretty messy stuff when it comes to version control.

SQL Source Control boxWhat changes the proposition of database versioning these days is the accessibility of tools like the very excellent SQL Source Control from Red Gate. I wrote about this in detail last year in the post about Rocking your SQL Source Control world with Red Gateso I won’t delve into the detail again; suffice to say that database versioning is now easy!

Honestly, if you’re not versioning your databases by now you’re carrying a lot of risk in your development for no good reason. You have no single source of truth, no rollback position and no easy collaboration with the team when you make changes. Life is just better with the database in source control 🙂

8. Compilation output does not belong in source control

Here’s an easy way of thinking about it: nothing that is automatically generated as a result of building your project should be in source control. For the .NET folks, this means pretty much everything in the “bin” and “obj” folders which will usually be .dll and .pdb files.

Why? Because if you do this, your co-workers will hate you. It means that every time they pull down a change from VCS they’re overwriting their own compiled output with yours. This is both a merge nightmare (you simply can’t do it), plus it may break things until they next recompile. And then once they do recompile and recommit, the whole damn problem just gets repeated in the opposite direction and this time you’re on the receiving end. Kind of serves you right, but this is not where we want to be.

Of course the other problem is that it’s just wasteful. It’s wasted on the source control machine disk, it’s wasted in bandwidth and additional latency every time you need to send it across the network and it’s sure as hell a waste of your time every time you’ve got to deal with the inevitable conflicts that this practice produces.

So we’re back to the “ignore” patterns mentioned earlier on. Once paths such as “bin” and “obj” are set to ignore, everything gets really, really simple. Do it once, commit the rule and everybody is happy.

In fact I’ve even gone so far as to write pre-commit hooks that execute on the VCS server just so this sort of content never makes it into source control to begin with. Sure, it can be a little obtrusive getting your hand slapped by VCS but, well, it only happens when you deserve it! Besides, I’d far rather put the inconvenience back on the perpetrator rather than pass it on to the entire time by causing everyone to have conflicts when they next update.

9. Nobody else cares about your personal user settings

To be honest, I think that quite often people aren’t even aware they’re committing their own personal settings into source control. Here’s what the problem is: many tools will produce artefacts which manage your own personal, local configurations. They’re only intended to be for you and they’ll usually be different to everyone else’s. If you put them into VCS, suddenly you’re all overwriting each other’s personal settings. This is not good.

Here’s an example of a typical .NET app:

Typical .NET app showing user setting files

The giveaway should be the extensions and type descriptions but in case it’s not immediately clear, the .ReSharper.user file and the .suo (Solution User Options) file are both, well, yours. They’re nobody else’s.

Here’s why: Let’s take a look inside the ReSharper file:

    <string />
    <integer />
      <setting name="SolutionAnalysisEnabled">True</setting>
      <File id="F985644D-6F99-43AB-93F5-C1569A66B0A7/f:Web.config" 
caret="1121" fromTop="26" />
      <File id="F985644D-6F99-43AB-93F5-C1569A66B0A7/f:Site.Master.cs" 
caret="0" fromTop="0" />

In this example, the fact that I enabled solution analysis is recorded in the user file. That’s fine by me, I like it, other people don’t. Normally because they’ve got an aging, bargain basement PC, but I digress. The point is that this is my setting and I shouldn’t be forcing it upon everyone else. It’s just the same with the recent files node; just because I recently opened these files doesn’t mean it should go into someone else’s ReSharper history.

Amusing sidenote: the general incompetence of VSS means ignoring .ReSharper.user files is a bit of a problem.

It’s a similar story with the .suo file. Whilst there’s not much point looking inside it (no pretty XML here, it’s all binary), the file records things like the state of the solution explorer, publishing settings and other things that you don’t want to go forcing on other people.

So we’re back to simply ignoring these patterns again. At least if you’re not running VSS, that is.

10. Dependencies need a home too

Works on my machine badgeThis might be the last of the Ten Commandments but it’s a really, really important one. When an app has external dependencies which are required for it to successfully build and run, get them into source control! The problem people tend to have is that they get everything behaving real nice in their own little environment with their own settings and their own local dependencies then they commit everything into source control, walk away and think things are cool. And they are, at least until someone else who doesn’t have some same local decencies available pulls it down and everything fails catastrophically.

I was reminded of this myself today when I pulled an old project out of source control and tried to build it:

Failing build due to missing NUnit dependencies

I’d worked on the assumption that NUnit would always be there on the machine but this time that wasn’t the case. Fortunately the very brilliant NuGet bailed me out quickly, but it’s not always that easy and it does always take some fiddling when you start discovering that dependencies are missing. In some cases, they’re not going to be publicly available and it can be downright painful trying to track them down.

I had this happen just recently where I pulled down a project from source control, went to run it and discovered there was a missing assembly located in a path that began with “c:\Program Files…”. I spent literally hours trying to track down the last guy who worked on this (who of course was on the other side of the world), get the assembly, put it in a “Libraries” folder in the project and actually get it into VCS so the next poor sod who comes across the project doesn’t go through the same pain.

Of course the other reason this is very important is that if you’re working in any sort of continuous integration environment, your build server isn’t going to have these libraries installed. Or at least you shouldn’t be dependent on it. Doug Rathbone made a good point about this recently when he wrote about Third party tools live in your source control. It’s not always possible (and we had some good banter to that effect), but it’s usually a pretty easy proposition.

So do everyone a favour and make sure that everything required for your app to actually build and run is in VCS from day 1.


None of these things are hard. Honestly, they’re really very basic: commit early and often, know what you’re committing and that it should actually be in VCS, explain your commits and make sure you do it yourself, don’t forget the databases and don’t forget the dependencies. But please do forget VSS 🙂


Why code reviews are good for you

Over the years, I have had the opportunity to work with various code review systems, and I have come to believe that one particular approach works better than the other.  Here is what I’ve learned.

There are basically three ways to approach code reviews:

  • No code review.  Everybody checks in code liberally, and while everyone is welcome to examine change lists as they please, there is no incentive and no obligations to do so.
  • Non-blocking code reviews.  When code is submitted, a reviewer is associated to the change list and they are expected to review the changes at some point, but this review does not block the submission of the code, which gets incorporated in the depot right away.
  • Blocking code reviews.  In this scenario, submitters associate a reviewer to their change list but that change list does not get submitted until the reviewer gives their approval.

Let’s get rid of the first case quickly:  I strongly believe that projects that work without any peer review will end up with code of significantly worse quality, regardless of how talented or experienced the developers are.  It doesn’t matter how good you are, you can’t produce top quality code all the time.  We all get sloppy at time, and code reviews are here to address these times.

When the code reviews are blocking, the committer is not allowed to check in their code until the reviewer has responded with a positive comment.

When they are not blocking, the code gets checked in right away but the reviewer still receives an email giving all the details about the code so that it can be reviewed later (I suggest setting up a nag system that will remind lazy reviewers to do their reviews at least once a week).

In my experience, the only system that works is non-blocking code reviews, but before I go into details, let’s examine exactly what code reviews do, because I found that very often, the perceived benefits are different from the real benefits.

Here are a few facts about code reviews:

  • Code reviews don’t reveal critical flaws in your code.This is disappointing, but it’s the sad truth.  As the system becomes complex, so do the change lists, and you won’t often hear a reviewer say “If the servlet receives more than twenty connections, you will have a deadlock between and”.

    More likely, reviewers comments will be cosmetic (“Please rename mI to midIndex, it makes the intent clearer”) or they will request more comments.

  • Code reviews do keep you honest.  They force you to take some extra time to make your code more readable, because you know for sure that someone will be reading it with a critical eye very soon.

I found that proponents of blocking code reviews usually feel very strongly that anything more liberal is bound to be the cause for a significant drop in quality as well.  The argument often goes like “If reviewers do not feel a strong obligation to review the code, they will slack and the review won’t be done”.

First of all, my experience tells me that this is incorrect.  I found that even in the most liberal non-blocking code review systems, reviewers were very diligent with their reviews and they usually got done in a fairly short amount of time (less than a week, and usually within a couple of days).

But what’s inherently flawed with this assumption is that it fails to recognize that both blocking and non-blocking code reviews rely on the honor system, so saying that one will work while the other won’t doesn’t make sense.

In the blocking code review scenario, when you submit your code, you rely on the reviewer realizing that you are now unable to perform any additional work (or at a considerable price, see below) until the review comes in.  Despite this pressure, it’s not uncommon to see reviewers take several days before reviewing code, because they are just swamped and they also know that the committer is taking measures in order not to stay inactive while she’s waiting on the review.

Problems with blocking code reviews

I haven’t had good experiences in environments that mandate blocking code reviews.  Here are the main drawbacks to such a system:

  • While they wait for the review, developers are stuck and have to work on something else or put in place a system of patching, which they will have to resolve next time they do a sync and try to commit their approved code changes.
  • Developers know that they will be stuck as soon as they commit, so they accumulate huge change lists in order to keep working and “stay in the zone”.
  • These huge changes lists become problematic for reviewers who decide to not take a look at the change list until they can carve out a significant portion of time, which delays the review even further, therefore creating a vicious cycle.

While non-blocking code reviews work better

I strongly believe that non-blocking code reviews address all the problems listed above and come with their own set of good properties.  Here are some of them:

  • Being a reviewer when the review is not blocking works well, because a conscientious developer will be aware that reviewing the code as soon as possible is part of their job, just like writing tests or comments.
  • I am much more likely to take an extra ten seconds to write a comment if I know for sure that somebody will be reading my code, and possibly comment on it (which is why I said above that “code reviews keep you honest”).  Conversely, I have very often noticed that code that was never reviewed by a peer is usually harder to follow because it is more sloppy and less commented.
  • Reviewing code written by colleagues forces me to a daily and healthy exercise.  I have to change my mindset and get familiar with idioms and styles that are not mine.

What about pair programming?

Pair programming is definitely one way to do code review, but it suffers from a few limitations that, in my opinion, make it a less desirable option than non-blocking code reviews:

  • Pair programming only catches micro-errors.  Contrast this with non-blocking code reviews that expose your reviewer to an entire change list, which will force them to see a bigger picture than they would have if they were pair programming with you.
  • Pair programming naturally forces the two participants to converge toward the same thinking.  Once you both decide that you need a class A, you will naturally agree that it implies the creation of classes B, C and D, and after a while, you have a “design of a single mind”.
  • Pair programming can also take longer.  The usual argument to defend pair programming is to say that programmer A can do task X in three minutes and task Y in twenty-five minutes, while the times will be reversed for programmer B.  Put these two programmers together and they’ll be able to complete tasks X and tasks Y in three + three minutes.This is nice, but quite idealistic.  In reality, the outcome of pairing A and B can have vastly varying results, such as a task that would take three minutes by programmer A alone suddenly takes thirty minutes to accomplish with B in the picture.  Or A and B spending a lot of time arguing about the “right” way to solve the problem, while ultimately, there are more than one right way and A would have solved the problem much faster on their own.

Anyway, the point of this post is not to criticize Pair Programming but simply to make it obvious to everyone that the full impact of Pair Programming hasn’t been studied very well so far, and that it’s not a very good substitute to simple peer code reviews.

Finally, Brian Slesinsky wrote an interesting entry praising Pair Programming and criticizing code reviews.  Take a look if you want to get a counter-opinion to mine, but in general, I find that Brian’s arguments are a demonstration that blocking code reviews are not optimal much more than he demonstrates that pair programming is the right solution.  I think that non-blocking code reviews have all the characteristics of a happy medium between these two radical approaches.

What about code ownership?

Shared code ownership is vastly over hyped.

Shared code ownership is presented as a desirable consequence of Pair Programming and it simply means that since at all times, there has always been at least two people working on the same region of code, the entire team has a much better knowledge of the code base and that everyone can therefore step in at any time to fix a problem even in the absence of a key member.

First of all, reasonable shared code ownership can be reached with peer reviews.  It’s pretty easy to see why:  when you spend some time reviewing a teammate’s code, you gain a very familiar knowledge of it, and it won’t take you long to dive back in if you need to.

But more generally, shared code ownership is simply unnecessary if the code has been written by competent developers under careful code reviews.  It is very common for me (at least once a week) to stumble upon an area of code that I’ve never seen before, and I usually have no problem finding my way around it if the developer has followed some simple rules (commenting, naming the classes, methods and variables appropriately, using design patterns, etc…).  Code reviews will buy you a micro-knowledge of the code, but I find that I usually don’t need to know the code in so much details most of the time.

Finally, if you need a proof that code ownership is vastly over hyped, look no further than open source projects.  In typical open source projects, reviews are not mandatory and everyone can check in code at their will.  New developers come and go and they don’t seem to have much problem learning the new code base, assuming that’s it’s been commented and written with good design principles.


If your organization is not mandating code reviews, you should reconsider this decision and, ideally, opt for non-blocking code reviews.  There are various other ways to implement code reviews that I did not cover in this document, but whatever you choose, make sure that members on your team regularly get exposed to code coming from other members, even if superficially.

How about yourself?  Are you doing code reviews in your company?


Disable Internet Explorer Enhanced Security on Server 2012

Internet Explorer can be a pain of its own when it is set to its default settings. It gets even worse when Microsoft locks it down so much that you can’t even pull down anything to download. Instead of adding every website to a trusted site zone, you can disable the security for IE on the server, and then re-enable it when you aren’t using it.

In Windows Server 8, it can be even more difficult to find where the hell to disable the Enhanced Security Features for Internet Explorer. It changes every time Microsoft decides to release an OS…

1) Open Server Manager

Go ahead and open server manager. It should be the icon in the lower left hand corner of a default Windows Server 8 installation. Click on “Local Server”. Once you have the “Local Server” highlighted, you will see IE Enhanced Security Configuration set to “On”.

2) Click “On” to bring up the Internet Explorer Enhanced Security settings

From here, you will be able to turn off the security for Internet Explorer so you can go an grab the files that you need for your new server. Yes, you could always download them to your flash drive and transfer them… but sometimes we don’t always have those handy!
